How it Works
First and foremost, our main goal when liquidating your estate is to get you the most money possible for your items, while making the process as smooth and easy for you as we can. We're here to serve you and your precious items in the most professional way possible. In order to achieve these goals, we follow several steps from start to finish. Here's a quick breakdown of 10 crucial steps that we use to guide you through the process.


Before Estate Sale:
Prior to meeting with any estate sale company, a great starting place for the family is to go through all important and personal paperwork/documents. During this time, the family should also separate any items or possessions that they wish to keep (i.e., items that will not be included in the sale). These items can either be removed or set aside and labeled prior to our arrival.

Contract Agreement:
Once we agree to the parameters of the sale and how it will be conducted, we sign the contract and start our preparations for your sale.

Pricing, Appraisal, and Final Touches:
We carefully price each of your items with the combination of our sales knowledge, experience, and by comparing them to the fair-market-value in similar items sold. Additionally, we look closely at trends in the current market, demand, and overall sell-ability of each item. If we're unsure of an items value or it is outside of our expertise, we will seek the guidance of an expert or professional who is qualified in the field to appropriately appraise your item. Also, we consult with the family and take into consideration any knowledge of value, historical significance, or any other insight they may have concerning an item prior to our appraisal.
Personal Items/Documents & Family Possessions: When all personal items and items to be kept are separated by the family, we'll conduct an in-person walk through and discuss your estate in detail. This is where most of your questions will be answered, your worries put at ease, and the beginning of our relationship starts.

Organizing, Staging, and Clean-up:
We work tirelessly alongside our devoted team of trusted employees every step of the way. When it comes to staging, cleaning, and organizing valuable items for sale, our team takes the upmost caution and attention to detail. This part of the process is essential to garnishing the most profit during the sale.

Advertising Your Sale:
We use highly reputable websites such as (at our expense), advertise on our website and to our list of clients who've signed up for our sales notifications. Additionally, we advertise through Facebook Marketplace and other social media outlets, as well as by word of mouth.

Hosting the Sale:
We host the estate sale! We typically host the sale for three-days, sometimes four where necessary. Typically, the three day window will be between Thursday and Sunday. However, depending on the season, time of year, and other factors we may host the sale on any day of the week that suits the client best and maximizes sale profits.

We accept nearly every method of instant payment (not checks) in order to maximize sales. This includes, but is not limited to: cash, all major credit cards, zelle, venmo, and more.
After the sale is concluded, we provide you with a sales summary and a check for your enjoyment! These will be provided within one to two weeks after the sale.

Protections, Security, and other Safety Protocols:
It is our top priority to make sure that your items and all parties involved are safe before, during, and after the sale. As one of many steps to insure this, we do not advertise the location (address) of the sale until the day prior to the sale.
Additionally, we provided staff members in each area of the sale, along with security cameras where necessary.

STEP 10:
After The Estate Sale:
Inevitably, even on the best sales, there are almost always items left over. Do not worry, we will not leave you hanging. We have an entire cleanout crew and partners devoted to removing any left-over items. These items and their removal can be left or removed at the discretion of the client. This will be agreed to in the contract and prior to the sale.